Collection: Gallery

Enjoy some photos from previous events and workshops.

  • Well Being Sessions
  • Full Moon Rise Bathing
  • Songling Clapstix
  • Corporate Interactive Acknowledgment To Country
  • My Noosa Regional Gallery Studio Just for a Day!!! Then a month long exhibition - Connecting Stories...
  • Public Speaking And Demo Sunshine Coast Council
  • Grounding Sounds Ocher Bee & Salty Eco Tours
  • Salty Eco Tours Private Sound Relaxation Grounding Session
  • Playing with design at art residency Woodford
  • Cultural Connection Teen in High Schools
  • Grounding in heartspace
  • Standing tall and strong yet flexible
  • drying ochres guide our way, love the surrender when it comes to ochre
  • Yarning ochre immersions
  • workshop image
  • Ocher School 3