Art - Meaningful enhancement...
Wellbeing- Your personal Grounding...
Direct Commercial Use - STOP... Please see below- *, **
*Over many years I have sat, listened, shared my intentions, and waited, many deep, intense, important, traditional, LORE, real, conversations, lessons, connections, confirmations with many local Traditional Owner families, Elders, country have taken place on these lands. Kabi Kabi, Gubbi Gubbi Country. Parts of these conversations regards my intentions being, shared, watched, understood, around harvest, gathering, of sacred ochres, woods, sands, waters, stone, resins, foods, air, earth, fire, and it continues...guidance and permissions. What's Law And LORE...
What's Country speaking to me
what's country tell us as a whole...
so many deep aspects... sometime words don't describe...
Differing and same same across everything, a deep need to understand this takes time and never tops.
I am grateful for the encouragement, permissions, reassurance, guidance I receive with respect as I hold my deepest heart respects with every step, breath, leaf, gain, sunray, ocean, drop, creek drop that I engage with. I have no authority to provide this to you beyond your well being connect knowledge and experience.
Your own engagements with TO's. Elders and local families will take place if your called and connect with country. Stay pure.
**So in your commercial spaces please know Ocher Bee and all First Nations Businesses are covered by the same as yours Intellectual property.
Another governing factor is Indigenous Cultural Intellectual Property. Your welcome to join me on a much deeper level, sitting, learning more of my connections.
Indigenous Cultural and Intellectual Property (ICIP) - Arts Law Centre of Australia
I am available for Ocher Bee - Ochre Groundings for your meaningful spaces, you as a host has the opportunity to be held and grounded respectfully into the moment, prior to you initiating and activating your sacred space, ritual, ceremony.
As we interactively Acknowledge Country, Traditional Owners and Elders, Ancestors and guides. to share on a deeper level and activate earth element prior to your holistic or sacred ceremonies or celebrations. I respectfully step away as initiate opening your own intentions for your space.
Gold & White Ochres
Palm Fron Mini Coolamon...
Respect, Acknowledge Connect...
We ask you to stop, Respect and then connect...
Holding deep respect as I personally harvest and gather ochres, small amounts and undetected, undisturbed as can be, i also hold love and light clearly, strongly and intentionally for Mother Earth.
These harvests are gathered together for the next Full Moon Rise as I sit with full intentions.
The next level of the ritual continues as I deactivate the disturbances of settlement of newcomers without invitation, true care or connection all over the globe. The earth granules I neutralize I let rest. All as the first lift of the full moon off the horizon... then intentionally I reactive these gains of refined earth pigment, sacred Ochre. Ancient connections, communication, healing,
We sacredly package these for your personal connection, holding and locking in the protected, activated energies. Created for your deeper safe connection.
Honoring Country, Mother Earth is such an important role and self-care is the start of your activation of love and light on this earth. As each individual rises into self, we activate the earth, gridding with light and love.
Mother Earth knows intentions and will amplify your own intention and reflection of inner heart for your own awareness and experiences. Stay pure.
Ocher Bee.
Art Use:
Combine other paint or glues to enhance your meaningful art creation.
Daily Use. Wear under feet can have beautiful supportive filtering effects, releasing the unaligned back to mother earth as she transmutes this fertilizer into the pure nutrition she requires. This may or may not align with you.
Mother Earth knows intentions and will amplify your own intention and reflection of inner heart for your own awareness and experiences. Stay pure.
Ocher Bee
Deactivated and reactivated, Full moon bathed, red, gold and white ochers.
Representation and Intention Activations:
Golden Sun
Representing = Sun.
Intention: Light
Moonlight White=
Representing= Spirit.
Intention: Peace
Please contact for Red supply. (Radiating Red = Lands
Representing = Land
Intention: Love)
Connect after purchase for deeper intention, instructions and significance if required.
9 prominent hand-crafted processes are utilised throughout my ritual with country Mother Earth, with propa permissions and guidance, LORE. Prior preparations are completed with deep pure intentions of love, for your alignment in your way respectfully connecting with love for self and Mother earth.
True intentions naturally come through as mother earth filters and purifies energy. Stay true in heart. For your personal connection.
Art use... Add small drop of craft glue, resin or egg white to bind.